

Summer Driving Dangers: What Minneapolis Drivers Need to Know

Summertime is a fun time for many people. Schools are closed, and more individuals are taking vacations, but these are just a few of the factors that make it more dangerous to drive at this time of the year.

If you were injured in a car crash due to another driver’s negligence, our Minneapolis car accident lawyers at TSR Injury Law may be able to help you seek compensation. You are not obligated to hire us. We do not charge any fees or costs unless we win your case.

TSR has recovered more than $1 billion in compensation for our clients. Call today: (612) TSR-TIME.

Why Is Driving in the Summer Dangerous?

Two people laughing in a car.

Summer might seem like an ideal time for driving, but several factors contribute to increased crash risks such as:

  • Increased traffic: More people are on the roads for vacations and leisure activities.
  • Inexperienced drivers: Teenagers are out of school and driving more frequently.
  • Construction zones: Road work is common during summer months, creating additional hazards.
  • Heat-related vehicle issues: Tire blowouts and engine problems are more likely to occur in hot weather.
  • Potholes: The cold weather during the winter can create potholes in the summer. Whenever possible, avoid driving over them. Potholes can cause flat tires or even blowouts.
  • Impaired driving: Summer events often involve alcohol consumption, leading to more drunk drivers on the road.
  • Fatigue: Long trips and late-night driving can result in many fatigued drivers on the road.
  • More pedestrians and bicyclists: This is particularly important in urban areas. Make sure to give bicyclists and pedestrians space, give them plenty of room when passing and do not encroach on crosswalks. Watching for pedestrians and riders is especially important at night when they are harder to see.
  • Natural disasters: Tornadoes and floods can hit Minnesota between May and September. These are dangerous when they happen, and they leave behind destruction that makes driving riskier.
  • Distracted driving: Pleasant weather could encourage more drivers to succumb to distractions, like their smartphones.
  • Reckless drivers: Clear roads and better weather can cause some drivers to speed and drive more recklessly.

Driving Safety Tips: How to Avoid Summer Driving Hazards

Drivers can reduce their chances of being involved in summer car crashes by implementing several practical strategies:

Plan Your Route

Before taking a road trip or other unusually long journey, review your route and take note of potential construction zones or high-traffic areas. This may prevent delays, as you can avoid areas where there may be a higher risk of a crash.

Avoid Impaired Driving Be Cautious Around Drunk Drivers

You may be more likely to share the road with drunk drivers in the summertime, especially at night. Given this possibility, you need to adjust your driving appropriately. Avoid distractions and keep an eye on the vehicles around you. If you see someone driving erratically, keep your distance.

Maintain Your Vehicle

Regular maintenance is crucial, especially before long trips. Check your tires, brakes and fluids to prevent breakdowns or other issues that could result in a collision. Underinflated or overinflated tires are more likely to blowout, especially in the heat.

Stay Alert

Avoid distractions like your smartphone, social media apps, intense conversations or arguments with passengers and remain focused on the road, especially in heavy traffic or construction zones. It is also especially important to stay alert in unfamiliar areas.

Take Breaks

If you are on a long trip, you should stop every two hours or 100 miles to rest and refresh yourself. It may be tempting to rush to your destination but fatigued driving could increase the risk of getting into a car crash.

Avoid Peak Travel Times

If possible, plan your trips during off-peak hours to reduce exposure to heavy traffic. One of your passengers can keep you informed about traffic jams ahead of time, so you can avoid them.

Prepare for Bad Weather and Adjust Driving Accordingly

Summer storms can turn any trip into a dangerous situation. Check weather forecasts and be prepared to adjust your driving if you get stuck in bad weather. This means increasing your following distance, obeying speed limits, and making sure you have plenty of time and space to change lanes or make a turn.

How to Protect Yourself From Other Negligent Drivers

Summertime is when a lot of people cut loose and have fun, especially teenagers and other drivers who lack significant experience on the road. When you throw alcohol or other drugs into the mix, there is a much higher risk of dangerous crashes.

Even the most cautious drivers cannot control the actions of others on the road. However, you can take steps to reduce your risk of a collision with a negligent driver in the hot summer months:

Maintain a Safe Following Distance

Keep ample space between your vehicle and others, especially if you notice erratic driving behavior. Give yourself plenty of space to slow down or stop to avoid a collision.

The general rule is about three seconds of space, which you can measure by counting the seconds between when the lead vehicle passes a fixed object and when your car passes the same object.

You should also take note of other drivers tailgating your vehicle. If you see this, carefully move into another lane.

Use Defensive Driving Techniques

Always be aware of your surroundings and anticipate potential dangers. If you focus on driving, obey the speed limit, do not make risky maneuvers, and do not count on other drivers to make safe decisions.

Drivers who obey the speed limit have a better chance of seeing hazards ahead, so they can avoid them.

Avoid Confrontation

If you encounter an aggressive driver, do not engage. Instead, slow down or pull over if necessary to let them pass. This is especially true if you are involved in a crash with an aggressive driver and he or she gets out of the car and walks over to your vehicle.

Report Dangerous Driving

If you witness extremely reckless or aggressive behavior, safely pull over and report it to the authorities. It is not a good idea to confront a driver who is in a bout of road rage. This could result in physical assault.

Use Safety Features

Ensure your vehicle’s safety systems, such as airbags and anti-lock brakes, are in good working condition. Your car features may help lower the risk of severe injuries if you unfortunately end up in a car crash.

What Should You Do to Prepare for Summer Road Trips?

Preparing for your trip can make a significant difference in lowering the risk of a crash. Here are essential steps to take before your road trip:

  • Have your vehicle thoroughly inspected by a qualified mechanic
  • Pack an emergency kit including water, non-perishable food, first-aid supplies and basic tools
  • Ensure your spare tire is in good condition and you have the necessary equipment to change it
  • Plan your route in advance and inform someone of your travel plans
  • Check your vehicle’s air conditioning system to ensure comfort during hot weather
  • Bring plenty of water and snacks to stay hydrated and alert during your journey
  • Consider joining a roadside assistance program for added peace of mind

If you were involved in a car crash in Minneapolis, TSR Injury Law is here to help you throughout the legal process. If we determine you have a case and you choose our firm to represent you, we are prepared to work tirelessly to pursue the compensation you deserve.

Call us for a free initial case evaluation to determine your legal options. Our firm does not charge any upfront costs or fees unless we win your case.

Schedule a free consultation to learn more about how we can help: (612) TSR-TIME.

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