Minneapolis Drunk Driving Injury Lawyers
The saddest cases we handle are drunk driving cases, because all of the pain could have been avoided if the drunk driver had just acted responsibly. If you have suffered an injury or loss due to another person driving drunk, call Minnesota Drunk Driving Lawyers at 612-TSR-TIME or submit our contact form for a free case review. Our Minnesota Personal Injury Lawyers are proud sponsors of MADD Minnesota and the recipient of the 2008 MADD Choice Award.
Drunk Drivers
Drunk drivers actually put other people on the road in more danger than themselves, making the choice to drive after too many drinks is clearly wrong. Sadly, Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) and Driving Under the Influence (DUI) are both very common occurrences.
In 2006, there were 13,470 fatalities in crashes involving inebriated drivers, composing 32% of the total traffic fatalities for that year. Still more people sustained serious injuries in DWI accidents.
Minnesota Law on Drunk Driving
Minnesota law takes drunk driving very seriously. People who are convicted of DWI face heavy fines, community service, jail time, and suspension or loss of their driver’s licenses. Unfortunately, criminal penalties do little to help those who have already been injured by drunk drivers.
One way for drunk drivers’ victims to win fair compensation is by filing a drunk driving lawsuit. Our Minnesota drunk driver lawyers can help you with:
- Dram Shop Laws
- Social Host Liability
If You’ve Been the Victim of a Drunk Driver
If you or a loved one has been injured by a drunk driver, it is important that you know what your legal options are. Successfully filing a Minnesota personal injury suit against the responsible party can win you compensation for:
- Past, present, and future medical expenses
- Wages lost to medical leave or loss of your job
- Your current physical and emotional suffering
Contact Us
For a free consultation about your case, contact the Minneapolis auto accident lawyers of TSR Injury Law at (612) TSR-TIME or submit our contact form.