

What Is a Car Accident Reconstructionist and How Could They Help Prove an Injury Claim?

Sometimes injury lawyers need to hire experts to prove what happened in a crash, such as an accident reconstructionist. These professionals conduct an in-depth analysis of the crash to provide a detailed explanation of what happened.

If you have been seriously injured in a Minnesota collision, our firm is prepared to bring in relevant experts to help you secure full compensation for your damages.

Schedule a free consultation with us to learn whether you have a case. Our car accident lawyers in Minneapolis have recovered more than $1 billion on our clients’ behalf and want to help you secure the compensation you deserve.

No upfront fees. No obligation. Call today (612) TSR-TIME.

What Is Car Accident Reconstruction?

A man examining a damaged car.

A car accident reconstruction is a detailed investigation of the cause and circumstances of a crash. A reconstructionist works backward from the evidence of the collision to recreate what happened and document these conclusions in a detailed report.

How Does an Accident Reconstructionist Evaluate a Crash?

These experts analyze the physical evidence of the collision and any electronically recorded information, such as:

  • Skid marks left by vehicles
  • Vehicle positions
  • Environmental conditions, such as weather, when the crash happened
  • Police report
  • Footage from traffic or security cameras
  • Information from event data recorders (EDR)
  • Dash camera footage
  • Medical records documenting crash injuries
  • Pictures of the vehicles and injuries
  • Crash test data on the vehicles involved
  • Vehicle maintenance or inspection records
  • Pictures and video footage collected by drones, which provide precise aerial views of the collision

What Are Some Questions Accident Reconstruction Experts Ask?

  • How fast was the at-fault driver traveling at impact?
  • When did the at-fault driver slow down?
  • What was the angle of impact?
  • Where did both vehicles come to rest?

What Conclusions Can These Experts Draw From the Evidence?

Analyzing the evidence allows an accident reconstructionist to draw various conclusions, such as:

  • Where the vehicles hit each other
  • Vehicle speed at the time of impact
  • If either driver could have taken steps to prevent the collision
  • Who caused the collision
  • If road or weather conditions played a role in the crash
  • Traffic violations that contributed to the crash, such as speeding, running through a red light or stop sign, reckless lane changes, distracted driving, etc.
  • If there was a defective vehicle part the contributed to the crash
  • If a government entity could be liable for poor road design or failure to properly maintain a road
  • Whether there were visibility issues the contributed to the crash

For example, an accident reconstruction expert could analyze skid marks and EDR data to establish that the at-fault driver was distracted or following another vehicle too closely, causing a rear-end collision.

An accident reconstructionist can document his or her findings in a written report and/or create a three-dimensional computer model of the collision.

Why Accident Reconstruction Provides Strong Evidence for a Car Crash Claim

These experts take a scientific approach to their analysis of the crash, which means it is very difficult for insurers or liable parties to dispute the findings. This is one reason why an accident reconstruction report can be particularly compelling to a jury.

What Are the Qualifications of an Accident Reconstruction Expert?

There is no advanced degree for accident reconstruction. However, accident reconstruction experts usually have a background in forensic engineering or physics.

Typically, these professionals should have extensive knowledge of various disciplines, including:

  • Automobile design
  • Mathematics
  • Engineering principles
  • Photogrammetry
  • Computer simulation tools
  • Vehicle dynamics
  • Human factors
  • Roadway geometry
  • Crash data retrieval (CDR)
  • Biomechanics
  • Forensic photography
  • Drone mapping

They also need significant experience and knowledge of how to investigate crashes. That is why many of these professionals previously worked in law enforcement.

How Do I Know If I Need an Accident Reconstruction?

Generally, lawyers bring in car accident reconstruction experts when there are disputes about liability or other outcomes of the crash. For example, both parties may have different statements about the car crash. Additionally, an insurance company may dispute that your injuries happened in the collision.

Accident reconstruction experts are often brought into car crash lawsuits or cases involving catastrophic or fatal injuries. Insurance companies fight hard to avoid paying full compensation, especially in these types of cases.

An expert may be able to detect any vehicle malfunctions that may have contributed to the crash. Accident reconstruction experts investigate to determine how it happened and why, which could validate a defective product claim.

Accident reconstruction experts can also serve as your advocate and discredit claims about your role in a crash. They could provide evidence from reports showing the insurance company’s claims about your contribution to the crash are false.

How Much Does an Accident Reconstruction Expert Cost?

The cost of hiring an accident reconstruction expert can vary. Some of the factors that may determine the cost are:

  • Complexity of your case
  • Scope of work such as witness statements and reviewing data
  • Accident reconstruction expertise and experience
  • Geographic location (cost could vary based on region or city)
  • Court disposition and testimony could increase the cost.

If our firm determines that you have a case, there are no upfront fees. We advance the cost of litigation, including the cost of hiring expert witnesses.

Need Help With the Insurance Company? Call TSR Injury Law

If you have been injured in a Minnesota collision, you could benefit greatly from hiring an experienced attorney to guide you through the legal process. TSR Injury Law has the experience, track record, resources and commitment to provide the comprehensive representation you need.

Our firm has decades of experience helping car crash victims recover compensation for their damages. We are committed to alleviating the stress of the legal process so you can focus on your recovery.

Speak to one of our attorneys.  Call us at (612) TSR-TIME.

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